Program settings
To configure the settings for a calculation using the DIALECT program, the file dialect.toml has to be created. You can either create the file yourself or you can run the program in a directory without the configuration file:
The dialect.toml will then be created using the standard values of the program. The settings of the file dialect.toml are explained in the following sections.
General settings
jobtype = "sp"
fmo = false
verbose = 0
You can choose between "sp" for a DFTB or FMO-LC-DFTB calculation or "density" for the calculation of a given density in the AO basis on a grid.
If you want to do a FMO-DFTB calculation, set fmo=true.
Concerns the verbosity of the output. Values from -2 to 2 are possible. Higher values result in a much more detailed output.
[mol] config
charge = 0
multiplicity = 1
You can change the charge and the multiplicity of the molecule. But at this point in time, the program only supports closed shell configurations!
[scf] config
The convergence settings of the self-consistent charge (SCC) routine are defined here.
scf_max_cycles = 250
scf_charge_conv = 0.00001
scf_energy_conv = 0.00001
Maximum number of iterations for the SCC routine
Convergence criterium of the SCC routine. It concerns the charge difference to the previous iteration.
Convergence criterium of the SCC routine. It concerns the energy difference to the previous iteration.
[lc] config
Here, you can turn the long-rang correction on and set the long-range radius. Be aware that a FMO calculation only works with an activated long-range correction.
long_range_correction = true
long_range_radius = 3.03
[excited] config
calculate_excited_states = false
nstates = 10
davidson_iterations = 100
davidson_subspace_multiplier = 10
If you want to calculate the excited states in a standard DFTB or FMO-DFTB caluculation, set this option to true.
Number of requested excites states.
Maximum number of iterations for the Davidson routine.
Maximum scaling factor of the dimension for the guess vectors of the Davidson algorithm. It is multiplied with the number of requested excited states.
[tda_dftb] config
restrict_active_orbitals = false
active_orbital_threshold = 0.2
save_transition_densities = false
states_to_analyse = [0, 1]
Settings concerning a normal TDA-TDDFTB calculation
Reduce the number of occupied and virtual orbitals involved during the TDDFTB calulation.
Set the fraction of the full orbital space
Save the transition density matrix in AO basis for the requested excited states.
Select the states for which you want to calculate and save the transition density matrices.
[slater_koster] config
use_external_skf = false
skf_directory = " "
Use Slater-Koster parameters from external source.
Specify the path to the SKF-files. "/path/to/SKF/"
[parallelization] config
number_of_cores = 1
Use the specified number of processor cores for the calculation. It only affects a FMO-DFTB calculation
[fmo_lc_tddftb] config
restrict_active_space = true
active_space_threshold_le = 0.0001
active_space_threshold_ct = 0.0001
n_le = 2
n_ct = 1
calculate_all_states = false
calculate_ntos = false
calculate_transition_densities = false
calculate_particle_hole_densities = false
states_to_analyse = [0, 1]
Settings for the excited state calculation using the FMO-LC-TDDFTB method
Calculate only relevant transitions between orbitals for the exchange part of the couplings between the LE and CT states.
Threshold for the one electron transition density matrices of the LE states.
Threshold for the one electron transition density matrices of the CT states.
Number of locally excited states for each monomer fragment.
Number of charge-transfer states for each pair fragment.
Do a full diagonalization of the excitonic Hamiltonian instead of the Davidson routine.
Calculate the natural transition orbitals for the specified excited states. They will be stored as molden files, which can be viewed in jmol.
Calculate the transition density matrices in AO basis for the specified excited states. They will be stored as binary numpy files.
Calculate the particle and hole densities for the specified excited states. They will be stored as binary numpy files.
List of the excited states for which the ntos or densities will be calculated.
[density] config
path_to_density = " "
points_per_bohr = 2.0
threshold = 0.0001
use_block_implementation = true
n_blocks = 1
Settings regarding the calculation of a density in AO basis on the grid, which will be stored as a cube file.
Specify the full path to the density file: /path/to/density/density.npy
Number of grid points per bohr
Relative threshold of the matrix elements of the density, which will be used in the calculation of the cube file.
Should be used if a large molecular systems is considered. Otherwise, the data of the basis functions, which are going to be evaluated on the complete grid, wont fit into the RAM of your system.
The number of blocks the density matrix will be partitioned into.